Dear Dr. King,

by Ellen June Wright More than sixty years have past since an assassin took your life on the balcony of the Lorraine Motel, but I want you to know the struggle never ended. We’re still fighting the long fight and though there’s more of us than ever in Congress, the Senate and even the White […]


by Joan Reese Be afraid, be very afraid! Dressed in black, Leather strap hung from leather belt. If that didn’t scare you, Guaranteed, You will be scared by the end of the day. First day of Catholic school, Sister MaryMarie, Held a jar of red pepper and lava soap. “Misbehave, this is what you get! […]

The House Was Full of Surprises

By Mary Blas Twas the third week of “lockdown” when all through the house, Surprises abounded—thank God, not a mouse! Julia sat wondering where the day went Mentally calculating if time’d been well spent. The U.S.A. jigsaw she’d found in a cupboard Lay halfway completed—‘cept for those states more inward. The cleared linen closet revealed massive […]